2022 | Spheres of Insurrection (2nd edition)

These essays by Suely Rolnik come to us in the midst of a toxic haze that our collective ways of life produce on the planet. We live in a counterrevolutionary moment.
(Paul B. Preciado)

“These essays by Suely Rolnik come to us in the midst of a toxic haze that our collective ways of life produce on the planet. We live in a counterrevolutionary moment. They are like an oracle, foretelling us about our own mutilated future. They come to remind us that what we are going through is not a natural process, but one more phase of a war that has not ceased: the same war that led to the capitalization of indigenous land preservation areas, to the confinement and extermination of all bodies whose modes of knowledge or affect defied the disciplinary order, to the destruction of popular knowledge for the benefit of scientific capitalization, to witch hunts, to the capture of human bodies to be converted into living machines for the colonial plantation; the same war in which the revolutionaries of Haiti, the citizens of France, the proletarians of the Commune fought, the war that caused the beach to appear under the cobblestones of the streets of Paris in 1968, the war of HIV-positive people, sex workers and trans people at the end of the 20th century, the war of exile and migration…
Suely Rolnik has brought together three texts written over the last few years that could act as a guide to micro-political resistance in times of counter-revolution. I’ve had the good fortune to listen to and read many versions of these texts, like someone watching a living thing germinate. Suely’s thinking, like her own analytical practice, has the quality of always being in motion. What readers now have in their hands is a snapshot of Suely’s critical task taken at a precise moment in time. It is an open work, an archive in beta, constantly changing. The book, which is extremely rich and whose reading will lead to multiple critical and clinical interventions, could be read both as a micro-political diagnosis of the current neo-conservative and nationalist mutation of the neo-liberal financial regime and as a hypothesis about the defeat of the left, in the context not only of Latin America but also of the world. But this requiem for a macro-political left is accompanied in Suely by the design of a new radical left: Spheres of Insurrection is a cartography of the micro-political practices of destabilization of the dominant forms of subjectivation, a diagram of the left to come.”

ed.______, a seal which comprises two collections – “Series” and “Sequence” -, results from the collaboration between the Teatro Praga and the publisher Sistema Solar, with the coordination of  André e. Teodósio and José Maria Vieira Mendes

The “Series” collection discloses the intangible heritage of contemporary performing arts. “Sequence” collection is organised in thematic books from different disciplines, which offer a reflection on systems of power and protest in the present time.


A Teatro Praga / Sistema Solar edition (chancela ed .______), 2022


Title | SPHERES OF INSURRECTION – Notes for a non life chulada

Author | Suely Rolnik

Coordination | André e. Teodósio and José Maria Vieira Mendes

Foreword | Paul B. Preciado

Design | Horácio Frutuoso


+Available for purchase here
+For more information contact producao@teatropraga.com