

September 9

PREMIERE | Fundação Serralves | Oporto [Portugal]


February 17 - 18

MAAT | Lisbon [Portugal]

2017 | ( )

Throughout its work, the collective Praga has critiqued identity from various and different perspectives, not only in relation to its principal artistic medium – the “theatre” – but also in relation to ideas of person, body, doing or object. “( )” is a durational performance that provides continuity to this activity, now in the framework of the system of visibility of the museum.


The museum space, despite its multiple possibilities, tends towards the structured as a reservoir of ontological confirmation, thereby contributing to convergence towards oneness. In this space – that carries with it contemporary diagnosis that portrays the museum as an institution of capture and formation – that is self-naturalised as a safe-space, and that converges toward oneness, throughout “( )” the performers activate experiences of other spaces, times and modalities, appropriating the colonial insult and spawning new non-figurate sculptures and transverse abstractions that are as real as anything else.


“( )” is a place of desired landscapes, of other body-objects and their relations. It concerns non-normativity as a possibility. A poem of waiting, a position to which all non-preferential forms are relegated, in which a tourist presentation is exploited so as to claim invisibilities, experiences, changes and ephemerality. In “( )”, the poetics of un-being, of unbecoming, and residual hermeneutics engender truths, ontological provinces, and fields of knowledge that have been disqualified due to there unconsolidated approaches.



A performance by Teatro Praga / André e. Teodósio
Cast | Ana Tang, Aurora Pinho, Joana Barrios, Paulo Pascoal
Objects | Teatro Praga / Bruno Bogarim
Head of production | Andreia Carneiro
Production | Alexandra Baião
Photography | Alípio Padilha
Acknowledgements | Pedro Barateiro, Bárbara Falcão Fernandes, Vasco Araújo, José Nunes e Cátia Pinheiro, Pedro Antunes, Salomé Lamas, Joana Gusmão, Jorge Jácome, Mariana Sá Nogueira, Joana Dilão, João Pedro Vale e Nuno Alexandre Ferreira, Pedro Gomes, Pólo Cultural das Gaivotas | Boavista



Length | 5h

