2022 | A Body as Listening

Are you there? Can you touch this? (Listening is touching at the distance)

This book unfolds from the perspective of a musical practice by taking your body as part of this resonant cartography.
It will imply exploring all kinds of (im)possible resonant and vibratory processes.
All entities responsible for this book cannot, however, predict ‘what a body can do’ or take entire responsibility for ‘its’ actions or outcomes.
By navigating the two streams in this book, you agree with the fact that we do not provide the best experience, therefore agreeing to and feeding the possibility of failure.

ed.______, a seal which comprises two collections – “Series” and “Sequence” -, results from the collaboration between the Teatro Praga and the publisher Sistema Solar, with the coordination of  André e. Teodósio and José Maria Vieira Mendes

The “Series” collection discloses the intangible heritage of contemporary performing arts. “Sequence” collection is organised in thematic books from different disciplines, which offer a reflection on systems of power and protest in the present time.

A Teatro Praga / Sistema Solar edition (chancela ed .______), 2022


Title | a body as listening – resonant cartography of music immaterialities

Author | Joana Sá

Coordination |  André e. Teodósio e José Maria Vieira Mendes

Design | Horácio Frutuoso


+Available for purchase here
+For more information contact producao@teatropraga.com