“Matchundadi: Gender, Performance and Political Violence in Guinea-Bissau” is a book by Joacine Katar Moreira that puts the concept of “matchundadi” and Guinean politics and state in friction. The culture of the “matchundadi” contributes to the rigid consolidation of hypermasculinized political structures with a strong impact on people’s lives and contemporary political participation.
Going through the traditional representations of masculinity (“matchu-ethnic”), colonial society (“matchu-urban”) and the national liberation struggle (“matchu-combatant”), the author proposes a unique orbit to think about the dimensions of war, colonialism, celebration and protest in Guinea-Bissau.
An invitation to “be in” politics with all the complexity of the relationships and the scales that produce it and that are often placed outside a “real” policy.
ed.______, a seal which comprises two collections – “Series” and “Sequence” -, results from the collaboration between the Teatro Praga and the publisher Sistema Solar, with the coordination of Rita Natálio and André e. Teodósio.
The “Series” collection discloses the intangible heritage of contemporary performing arts. “Sequence” collection is organised in thematic books from different disciplines, which offer a reflection on systems of power and protest in the present time.
A Teatro Praga / Sistema Solar edition (chancela ed .______), 2020
Coordination | André e. Teodósio e Rita Natálio
Foreword | Pedro Vasconcelos
Design | Horácio Frutuoso
Revision | Helena Roldão
Book presentation on the 14th September at 6.30pm, LuxFrágil
with Pedro Vasconcelos and Daniel Neto
Concert by Braima Galissá
+Available for purchase here
+For more information contact producao@teatropraga.com