

May 10-18

PREMIERE | São Luiz Teatro Municipal | Lisbon [Portugal]


Challenged by São Luiz to create a performance which would celebrate the theatre’s 125th birthday, it was thought adequate to go through the musical history of a theatre room that lived during silent film, to cinema as we know it today, that saw Antoine and Sarah Bernahardt, witnessed fires and reconstructions and was rebaptised three times. As any other work by Teatro Praga, we revisit history with a critical eye, which allows us to go beyond the ephemeral commemoration, thus being able to think about the role of theatre in its time and in the city we live in.


A performance by Teatro Praga (André e. Teodósio, Cláudia Jardim, José Maria Vieira Mendes e Pedro Penim)
Cast | André e. Teodósio, Cláudia Jardim, Diogo Bento, Jenny Larrue, Joana Barrios, Joana Manuel, João Duarte Costa, José Raposo, João Caçador e Tiago Lila
Dancers | Adriano Vicente, Ana Moreno, Guilherme Leal e Jenny Larrue
Musical participation | Fado Bicha
Musical Direction | João Paulo Soares
Musicians | António Santos (Trombone/Bombardino), Filipe Coelho (Trompete/ Fliscorne), Francisco Cardoso (Bateria/Percussão), João Paulo Soares (Piano), Nuno Fernandes (Baixo/Contrabaixo), Paulo Bernardino (Clarinete/Saxofone)
Choreography | Luiz Antunes
Scenography | João Pedro Vale & Nuno Alexandre Ferreira
Scenography assistant | Joana Sousa
Video (creation and edition) | André Godinho
Costumes | Inês Ariana e Nuno Braz de Oliveira
Master Seamstress | Rosário Balbi
Sound design | Miguel Lucas Mendes
Light design | Daniel Worm d’Assumpção
Director assistant | Óscar Silva
Prompter | Lídia Muñoz
Head of production | Andreia Carneiro
Production | Alexandra Baião
Video recording | Jorge Jácome
Support to creation | Centro Cultural Dr. Magalhães Lima, ESTÚDIOS VICTOR CÓRDON/RESIDÊNCIAS ARTÍSTICAS
Support | Griffehairstyle, Guerlain e Museu Berardo
Acknowledgements | Bruno Bogarim, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa – Divisão de Ação Cultural, Carlos Pinto, Francisco Benevides, Ion Rotaru Flori, Isabel Alves, João Tinoco, Maryne Lanaro, Mariana Sá Nogueira, Marcha de Alfama, Mário Rocha, Museu Bernardo and José Berardo, Nuno Feist, Nuno Ferreira e Sérgio Godinho.

Length | 2h15