2023 | It’s Our Idea! (Art, Philosophy and World)

A book with contributions by André Barata, André Godinho, André Teodósio, António Guerreiro, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Catarina Pombo Nabais, Boris Groys, Filipe Sambado, João Constâncio, José Maria Vieira Mendes, Luísa Semedo, Maribel Sobreira, Nuno Fonseca, Peter Trawny, Susana Mendes Silva, Yara Monteiro, Yves Michaud.

‘This book, which collects conversations around Art and Philosophy, seeks to make the thoughts of those who do philosophy, as well as those who do art, accessible. The privilege of having brought together such disparate people, as well as the propitiousness of the registered outcomes, has meant that these conversations, the face-to-face meetings between artists and philosophers and the reflections based on these materials now exist in an object that wants to live on beyond the memory of the event that generated them. That was the idea! And so, an idea became a book, that became many ideas, since the it’s our idea. (…) Once the debate is open, the questions will not be answered without questions addressed to the questions themselves – Can art even, in principle, be expected to transform the world? And is the understanding of the world a meaningful question? As if the questions were realities to be observed from this or that perspective, with an analytical step back, before being opened up – and opened up they will be – in the exploration of the answers they may contain.

[André Barata]

ed.______, a seal which comprises two collections – “Series” and “Sequence” -, results from the collaboration between the Teatro Praga and the publisher Sistema Solar, with the coordination of  André e. Teodósio and José Maria Vieira Mendes

The “Series” collection discloses the intangible heritage of contemporary performing arts. “Sequence” collection is organised in thematic books from different disciplines, which offer a reflection on systems of power and protest in the present time.

A Teatro Praga / Sistema Solar edition (chancela ed .______), 2022


Title | The Idea is Ours! (Art, Philosophy and World)

Authors |André Barata, André Godinho, António Guerreiro, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Boris Groys, Catarina Pombo Nabais, Filipe Sambado, João Constâncio, Luísa Semedo, Maribel Sobreira, Nuno Fonseca, Peter Trawny, Susana Mendes Silva, Yara Monteiro, Yves Michaud

Organized by | André Barata, André e. Teodósio & José Maria Vieira Mendes

Coordination |  André e. Teodósio & José Maria Vieira Mendes

Design | Horácio Frutuoso


+Available for purchase here
+For more information contact producao@teatropraga.com