God said to Abraham Kill me a son…
Abe said: where you want this killing done?
Bob Dylan, Highway 61 Revisited
How can we perform a show about “animal rights” without being fondly paternalistic? How can we tell a story as ancient as the world, as essential as oxygen, without being boring? How can we talk about our civilizational inheritance, a legacy that passes on from parents to children and leads us to assume responsibilities about the world’s future? ISAAC’s plot aims to answer these questions, taking the form of one of Walt Disney’s older movies. It is a show that uses the classical to try and take a step forward. The story counts on three crucial contributions: each spectator will assume the role of Isaac. Pedro Penim will play the father. And Rita, our dog, will take the unexpected role of the sheep.
Text | Pedro Penim, André e.Teodósio
Direction | Pedro Penim
Performance | Pedro Penim and Rita
Voice | Eduardo Gaspar
Set Design | Bárbara Falcão Fernandes, Joana Mendo
Set Design Assistant | Ricardo Santanna
Light Design | Daniel Worm d’Assumpção
Sound Assistant | Miguel Mendes
Handler | João Vasconcelos (Bocalán)
Photography | Alípio Padilha
Production | Filipa Rolaça, Cristina Correia, Francisca Rodrigues, Elisabete Fragoso
Co-production | CCB, Fábrica das Artes, Teatro Praga