2024 | Vaxzevria Cantus

This colourful book (and black, and white) talks about the music that has survived, the music that has opposed the lethargy of lockdowns, that has overcome depression and fought back, that has been clandestine, the music that today, perhaps more than at other times in human history, is revolutionary.

It’s incredible how, in 2020 and the two years since, music hasn’t stopped. It happened, and it happened as an act of refusal of fear and anguish, of authoritarian measures […] of defiance of the apparent fate that seemed to have taken away all our free will. The period between 2020 and 2022 (and even 2023) saw the accentuation of a spirit of systemic change, as the Spaniard Paul B. Preciado describes so well in his Dysphoria. Preciado in his Dysphoria mundi. And it is the sound of a generalised and deep depression, also suffered by this author.


With the disease that exposed the authoritarian nature of liberal democracies and the degeneration of social infra- and supra-structures and human relations, also came the vaccine: the germination of an insurrectionary spirit that, for the time being and in this country, only manifests itself culturally and artistically.


ed.______, a seal which comprises two collections – “Series” and “Sequence” -, results from the collaboration between the Teatro Praga and the publisher Sistema Solar, with the coordination of  André e. Teodósio and José Maria Vieira Mendes

The “Series” collection discloses the intangible heritage of contemporary performing arts. “Sequence” collection is organised in thematic books from different disciplines, which offer a reflection on systems of power and protest in the present time.

A Teatro Praga / Sistema Solar edition (chancela ed .______), 2022

Title | Vaxzevria Cantus — Music during the Pandemic

Author | Rui Eduardo Paes

Coordination |  André e. Teodósio & José Maria Vieira Mendes

Design | Horácio Frutuoso


+Available for purchase here
+For more information contact producao@teatropraga.com